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Home >> Plants >>> Orchidaceae

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Acinopetala nicaraguae

Hot growing mini epiphyte from Nicaragua. Syn Masdevallia nicaraguae
Acinopetala wendlandiana

Hot growing mini epiphyte from Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. Syn Masdevallia wendlandiana
Acronia alvaroi

Synonym Pleurothallis alvaroi. Small sized cold growing epiphyte found in Colombia at elevations of 2000 meters.
Acronia ascera

Synonym Pleurothallis ascera. Publish by Luer & R. Escobar in 1996. A cool growing medium sized epiphyte from Costa Rica to Colombia at approximately 4250 feet (1300 meters). This species has leaves up to 5-6" and flowers are up to 1" fully opened. The flowers emerge from the base of the leaf from a papery sheath in winter. The mature leaves are very attractive so it makes a nice specimen when not in flower.

I have this plant mounted on cork and I keep it moist at all times. It gets about 500 foot candles of light and is 70F/55F in winter and 85F/60F in the summer. It could probably be kept a bit cooler in the winter and may need more shade in the summer.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
C, SH, M

Acronia baudoensis

A miniature hot growing epiphyte from Colombia. Synonym Pleurothallis baudoensis
Acronia canaligera

Synonym Pleurothallis canaligera. Small sized cold to warm growing epiphyte found in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru at elevations of 1200 to 2700 meters.
Acronia cardiostola

Synonym Pleurothallis cardiostola
Acronia cardiothallis

Medium sized epiphyte found in Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Colombia and Ecuador in wet montane forests from elevations of 300-2900 meters
Legend (Temp, Light, Water) C-H, SH, M
Acronia crucifera

A very nice terrarium suitable orchid that can take warmer temperatures than many Pleurothallids. Leaves are 1" . Syn. Pleurothallis crucifera.
Acronia luctuosa

Synonym Pleurothallis luctuosa
Acronia nipterophylla

No Longer in collection

A small sized warm to cold growing epiphyte from Ecuador. Synonym Pleurothallis nipterophylla
Acronia nitida

Syn. Pleurothallis nitida
Acronia penelops

Synonym Pleurothallis penelops. Cool to warm growing minature epiphyte found in Ecuador from 1650 to 1700 meters.
Acronia phalangifera

I received this plant as Acronia sanchoi a couple years back. It's way to large for that species. The leaves are about 6" long and 3" wide on 8" petioles. After the flowers opened it appears to be Acronia (Pleurothallis) phalangifera
Acronia phalangifera

Synonym Pleurothallis phalangifera. Medium sized cool growing epiphyte found in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru.
Acronia phyllocardioides

A very nice terrarium suitable orchid that can take warmer temperatures than many Pleurothallids. It likes shady conditions. Leaves are 1" . Syn. Pleurothallis phyllocardioides.

Acronia quadricaudata

No Longer in collection

A very nice terrarium suitable orchid that can take warmer temperatures than many Pleurothallids. It likes shady conditions. Leaves are 1" . Syn. Pleurothallis quadricaudata.
Acronia quaternaria

Medium sized epiphyte found Colombia
Legend (Temp, Light, Water) C-H, SH, M
Acronia radula

Synonym Pleurothallis radula. Published by Luer in 2005. An intermediate growing medium sized epiphyte from Costa Rica at approximately 6230 feet (1900 meters). This species has leaves up to 5-6" on petioles of 8" and flowers are up to 3/4" fully opened. The flowers emerge from the base of the leaf from a papery sheath in winter. The mature leaves are heart shape and very attractive so it makes a nice specimen when not in flower.

I have this plant mounted on cork and I keep it moist at all times. It gets about 500 foot candles of light and is 70F/55F in winter and 85F/60F in the summer. It could probably be kept a bit cooler in the winter and may need more shade in the summer.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
C-W, SH, M
Lynn's Pleurothallids

Acronia rowleei

Synonym Pleurothallis rowleei. This is a small sized hot to cool growing epiphyte found from Costa Rica to Ecuador.
Acronia rowleei Dark Form

Synonym Pleurothallis rowleei. This is a small sized hot to cool growing epiphyte found from Costa Rica to Ecuador. This is the dark form of this plant.
Acronia scurrula

Synonym Pleurothallis scurrula. Small sized cool growing epiphyte found in Peru at elevations of 2200 to 2400 meters
Acronia stevensonii

Leaves are 1" . Syn. Pleurothallis stevensonii.
Acronia stricta

Leaves are 1" . Syn. Pleurothallis stricta.
Acronia volans

Synonym Pleurothallis volans. A small sized cool to warm growing epiphyte found in Ecuador from 950 to 1500 meters.
Aerangis biloba

A mini hot to cool growing epiphyte from Madagascar
Aerangis cristata

A mini hot to cool growing epiphyte from Madagascar
Aerangis mystacidii

A mini hot to cool growing epiphyte from Madagascar
Angraecum aloifolium

This is a hot growing mini.
Angraecum aporoides

This is a hot growing mini.
Angraecum didieri

No Longer in collection

A mini hot to cool growing epiphyte from Madagascar
Angraecum eburneum v superbum

This is a hot growing mini from Madagascar.
Angraecum florulentum

This is a hot growing mini from the Comoro Islands.
Angraecum leonis

This is a hot growing mini from the Philippines.
Anoectochilus chapaensis

No Longer in collection

A larger growing jewel orchid. small plants in 2" pots
Anoectochilus formosanus

No Longer in collection

This jewel from the forest floors of Formosa is seldom offered but each to grow. Small plants in 2 inch pots
Anoectochilus roxburghii

A very nice Jewel Orchid that loves shade and moist conditions. Ideal for the terrarium or vivarium. 2" pot
Anoectochilus roxburghii
India form

No Longer in collection

A seldmon offered alternative to what we as well as other are selling as roxburghii. I really do not know whther this is the correct form or whether the other is or both. They are very nice plants but much rarer. Small plants in 2 inch pots
Barbosella australis

Miniature cool growing epiphyte from Brasil. Very interesting flowers

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
C, SH, M
Barbosella cogniauxiana

Mini orchid with small oval leaves which creep along the mounting surface. Syn B handroi
Barbosella porschii 'Mountainside'

Apparently a synonym of cogniauxiana. Miniature warm growing epiphyte from Costa Rica and Panama. Very interesting flowers

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
W, SH, M
Brachycladium pilosellum

No Longer in collection

Also known as Lepanthes pilosella. Very small growing orchid with a creeping stem much like Trichosalpinx chamaelepanthes
Brachycladium platycepala

Similar to pilosella and the growth habit is the same.
Brassaocattleya 'Yellow Bird'

A hybrid between Bc. Richard Mueller and Brassavola nodosa.
Brassavola cucullata

A small hot to warm growing small species from Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, French Guiana, Surinam, Guyana, Venezuela and Colombia.
Brassavola flagellaris

A small hot to warm growing small species from Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, French Guiana, Surinam, Guyana, Venezuela and Colombia.
Brassavola 'George Tyler'

A primary hybrid (two species), Brassavola flagellaris and Brassavola cucullata.
Brassavola 'Jiminy Cricket'

A primary hybrid (two species), Rhyncholaelia (Brassavola) digbyana and Brassavola nodosa.
Brassavola 'Little Stars'

A primary hybrid (two species), Brassavola cordata and Brassavola nodosa.
Brassavola perrinii

Small size cool to warm growing epiphyte from Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Brassavola subulifolia

Synonym Brassavola cordata, Medium to large sized warm growing epiphyte from Jamaica.
Brenesia johnsonii

A mini intermediate epiphyte from Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. Syn Pleurothallis johnsonii
Bulbophyllum acutebracteatum

Miniature hot to warm growing epiphyte found in Liberia, Siera Leone, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gulf of Guinea Islands and Zaire in lowland forests at elevations up to 1000 meters
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
W-H, SH, M
Bulbophyllum acutebracteatum

Miniature hot to warm growing epiphyte found in Liberia, Siera Leone, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gulf of Guinea Islands and Zaire in lowland forests at elevations up to 1000 meters
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
W-H, SH, M
Bulbophyllum affine

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
C-W, SH, M
Bulbophyllum alagense large form

Micro miniature
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum alagense small form

Micro miniature
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum ambrosia

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum barbigerum

Fragrant, Miniature
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum bicolor

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum biflorum 'Lil'

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum brevipes

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum breviscapum

This is a synonym of lasiochilum but I will leave it as purchased.
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Bulbophyllum brevistylidium

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Bulbophyllum campanulatum

Seems to be a synonym of Cirrhoetalum auratum but I will keep it tagged like this.
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W, BR, M
Bulbophyllum careyanum

I have this one but this one is much larger than the ones I have already.
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Bulbophyllum cephalophorum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum comberi

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Bulbophyllum coralliferum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum corolliferum

Very small plant. I have it mounted on tree fern at the moment.
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Bulbophyllum dearei

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum dixonii

This name is a synonym of Bulbophyllum morphologorum. I will leave it tagged as doxonii until it flowers and I can verify it's identity.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
H, BR, M
Bulbophyllum echinolabium

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum elassoglossum

Small Bulbophyllum with leaves about 1". Miniature
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum elassonotum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum facetum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum falcatum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum flavescens

Synonym B ramusii. Small hot to cool growing epiphyte found in Malaysia, Borneo, Java, The Philippines and Sumatra in lowland and montane forests at elevations of 30 to 2400 meters
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum flavidiflorum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
C-W, SH, M
Bulbophyllum fraudulentum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
C-H, SH, M
Bulbophyllum gracillimum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum guttulatum

This plant was purchased and tagged as B umbellatum but it is certainly guttulatum.
Bulbophyllum intertextum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
C-H, SH, M
Bulbophyllum inunctum

Small epiphyte with very nice striped flowers
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum lasiochilum

Dark form but it has never flowered for me. Fragrant, Miniature
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum lasiochilum

Fragrant, Miniature
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum levanae

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum lichensis

I cannot find any info on this plant so the name may not be valid. Once it flowers I can propose a correction.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum lilacinum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum lindleyanum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum lobbii

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum longiflorum

Supposedly a synonym for B inunctum. Will wait for flower to verify.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum longissimum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum macranthum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum macranthum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum maquilingense

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum medusae

Very stunning flower on this one. Always a treat when it blooms. Fragrant
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum miniatum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum moniliforme

Not so sure about the id on this. Look way to large to be this species. Micro miniature
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum othonis

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum pardalotum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
H, SH, M
Bulbophyllum patens

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum protractum

Miniature cool to warm growing epiphyte found in Assam, Sikkim, Burma, Thailand and Vietnam at elevations around 500 meters
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
H, SH, M
Bulbophyllum purpurascens

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
W-H, SH, M
Bulbophyllum reticulatum

Beautiful foliage for a Bulbo.
Bulbophyllum retusiusculum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum rufilabrum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum rufinum

Large psuedobulbs of 1" and leaves 4-6". Many yellow minute flowers on a stalk.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
W-H, SH, M
Bulbophyllum saurocephalum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
W-H, SH, M
Bulbophyllum sessile

Miniature cool to warm growing epiphyte found in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Burma, Malaysia, Sulawesi, the Molouccas, Sumatra, Borneo, New Guinea, Java, the Philippines and Fiji in evergreen lowland forests
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum siamense

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum species

No Longer in collection

A nice minature. Flowers are no more that 1/4".
Bulbophyllum species

Obviously not cumingii as it was tagged nor do I know if I still have it.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum species

Came to me as B cernuum. It could be either comberi or membranaceum. The pseudo-bulb matches the description for membranaceum and does not match the other plant I received as comberi. But it's a disappointment that it is not cernuum.Miniature
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum species

Never flowered but it has leaves about 1" on a 1/2" pseudo-bulb which are blushed with purple.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum stenobulbon

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum tingabarinum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum trichocephalum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum vaginatum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum webberi

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Bulbophyllum wendlandianum

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Capanemia micromera

Small Micro miniature cool to warm growing epiphyte from Brazil. Botanica Ltd
Cattleya luteola

No Longer in collection

2" pot
Ceratochilus biglandulosus

Cool to warm growing Micro miniature epiphyte from Java and Sumatra.
Ceratostylis philippinensis

Found as a mini sized epiphyte in the Philippines.
Ceratostylis retisquama

I bought this tagged Ceratostylis rubra but that is now considered a synonym. Found as a small sized epiphyte in the Philippines.
Ceratostylis retisquama

Tagged Ceratostylis rubra but that is now considered a synonym. Found as a small sized epiphyte in the Philippines.
Cirrhopetalum auratum

A very nice small Bulbophyllum allie. Leaves of 1" from a 1/2" bulb. Stays small.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
W, BR, M
Cirrhopetalum flabellovernis

Synonym Bulbophyllum lepidum.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Cirrhopetalum frostii

Synonym Bulbophyllum bootanoides
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Cleisostoma arietinum

Vandaceous, warm growing mini from India. Seedling cork mounted on 2/13/25.

ISOPE Photos

Cochleanthes discolor

A cool to warm growing mini to small sized epiphyte. Found in many Central an South American countries.
Coelogyne monilirachis

Small sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte from Sabah and Sarawak Borneo in lower montane forests at elevations of 1200 to 1700 meters.
Coilostylis parkinsoniana

Formerly known as Epidendrum parkinsoniana. Warm growing epiphyte from Jalisco, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla, Vara Cruz, and Chiapas states of Mexico and southern Central America in oak-pine cloud forests at elevations of 1000 to 2300 meters.
Columbiana aspergillum

No Longer in collection

This small Pleurothallid used to be classified as a Pleurothallis. It produces the flower stalk just shy of the tip of the leaf.
Constantia cipoensis

Small Micro miniature cool to warm growing epiphyte from Brazil.
Cyclopogon epiphyticus

A miniature cold to cool growing epiphyte from Costa Rica to Ecuador in lower cloud forests at elevations of 100 to 800 meters. One os the few epiphytic members of this genus. Grown for the foliage more than the flowers.
Cyrtorchis praetermissa

Cool to warm growing mini epiphyte from Africa. Looks like a mini Vanda with flowers similar to Angraecum.
Dendrobium aberrans

A cool to warm growing miniature epiphyte found in Papua and New Guinea
Dendrobium anceps

An interesting pendent growing epiphyte. Flowers in winter
Dendrobium anceps

An interesting pendent growing epiphyte. Flowers in winter

ISOPE Photos

Dendrobium cucumerinum

Unusual species with leaves which are like small cucumbers.
Dendrobium cuthbertsonii

Very interesting foliage on this small cool growing Dendrobium.
Dendrobium cuthbertsonii 'Bicolor'

Very interesting foliage on this small cool growing Dendrobium.
Dendrobium dichaeoides

No Longer in collection

Very interesting mini with a creeping habit. flowers pink flowers on old stalks.
J L Orchids
Dendrobium hymenanthum

A miniature hot to warm growing epiphyte from Myanamar, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Borneo and the Philippines.
Dendrobium jenkinsii

No Longer in collection

Small growing Dendrobium from Asia. Often confused with aggregatum and lindleyii.
Dendrobium kingianum 'Betty'

A small cool to warm growing small species Australia
Dendrobium laevifolium

A warm to hot growing miniature epiphyte found in the South Pacific
Dendrobium lamellatum 'Sabah'

A miniature to small sized hot growing epiphyte found in Myanamr, Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo and the Philippines at elevations of 460 to 900 meters.
Dendrobium lawesii

Warm to cool growing epiphyte which need bright indirect light. From Papua and New Guinea.
Dendrobium lawesii 'Pololei' x lawesii

An interesting pendent growing epiphyte. Flowers in winter
Dendrobium lichenastrum

Also know as Dockarilla lichenastrum, it's a very nice mat forming epiphyte. Small division
Dendrobium linguiforme

Also know as Dockarilla. This is a creeping epiphyte from Australia. Warm to hot grower well suited for terrariums.
Dendrobium moniliforme

Received as D monile which is a synonym of this species.
Dendrobium oligophyllum

A hot growing miniature epiphyte found in Vietnam and SE Thailand. Makes an excellent terrarium subject.
Dendrobium pachyphyllum

Very interesting small growing Dendrobium from SE Asia, Java, Sumatra and Borneo. Hot to warm growing epiphyte.
Ebay Listing
Dendrobium prenticei

Also known as a Dockarilla this is another of the Australian Dendrobiums with unusual fleshy leaves
Dendrobium rhodostele 'Shan'

This anceps type has a tine flower.
Dendrobium rigidum

One of the Dockrilla orchids form Australia.
Dendrobium striolatum

This is a small terete leaved species similar to teretifolium but much smallers.
Dendrobium teretifolium

Also known as Dockrillia. This is a larger growing species with long terete leaves
Dendrobium tobaense

A warm growing miniature epiphyte found in Sumatra
Dendrobium toressae

Very Micro miniature creeping orchid form Australia.
J L Orchids
Dendrobium wassellii

One of the Dockrilla orchids form Australia.
Dendrochilum species

This is a large species with fragrant flowers. May be longifolium but I'm not sure. Could also be magnum but does not seem to be big enough.
Diodonopsis hoeijeri

A intermediate growing mini. Synonym Masdevallia hoeiferi
Dossinia marmorata var Dayii

No Longer in collection

A seldom offered jewel from the rain forest of Borneo is ideal for terrariums and vivariums. Should be kept moist but not soggy and allowed to dry slightly in winter. Small plants in 2 inch pots
Dracula houtteana

Small sized cool to cold growing epiphyte from Columbia at elevations of 1320 to 2000 meters.
Dracula lotax

Small mini cool growing epiphyte from Ecuador. This is supposed to be one of the more warm tolerant Dracula species. I have them mounted on tree fern.
Dracula octavoi

Small sized cool to cold growing epiphyte from Columbia at elevations of 2300 meters.
Dracula pusilla

Small sized warm to cool growing epiphyte from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia at elevations of 1200 to 1800 meters.
Dracula vampira

Small sized cool growing epiphyte from Ecuador at elevations of 1800 to 2200 meters.
Dresslerella pilosissima

No Longer in collection

The plant pictured is a plant I lost a few years back. I just received abother small plant from Lynn.
Dryadella aurea

Cool to warm growing mini epiphyte from Ecuador. Micro miniature
Dryadella borrowii 'Free Spirit'

Cool to warm growing epiphyte from Ecuador.
Dryadella cristata

Cool to warm growing mini epiphyte from Columbia. Micro miniature
Dryadella edwallii

Cool to warm growing mini epiphyte from Brazil.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
C-W, SH, M
Dryadella hirtzii 'Free Spirit'

Cool to warm growing epiphyte from Ecuador.
Dryadella lilliputiana

Cool to warm growing epiphyte from Brazil. Succulent leaves growing in clumps give this plant an interesting appearance. Micro miniature
Dryadella simula

A cool to cold growing mini.
Dryadella species

Cool to warm growing mini epiphyte from Ecuador.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
C-W, SH, M
Dryadella zebrina

Cool to warm growing mini epiphyte from Brazil, Peru and Bolivia. Micro miniature
Elongatia janetiae

Small sized hot to warm growing epiphyte from Costa Rica. Syn Pleurothallis janetiae
Elongatia restrepiodes

A medium sized Pleurothallids which does well in warm growing conditions. Syn Pleurothallis restrepiodes
Elongatia superbiens

Synonym Pleurothallis superbiens
Legend (Temp, Light, Water) C-H, SH, M
Encyclia brassavolae

A medium sized cool to warm growing epiphyte found in Mexico to Nicaragua and Costa Rica at altitudes of 900 to 2500 meters.
Encyclia parviflora

A medium sized hot growing epiphyte found in Mexico to Nicaragua and Costa Rica at altitudes of 900 to 800 meters.
Epibator hirtzii

Recently split from Zootrophion due to the vining growth.
Epibator serpentinus

Recently split from Zootrophion due to the vining growth.
Epidendrum lockartioides

I have my doubts on the id of this plant. It looks nothing like the pictures and the genus from which it gets it's name.
Epidendrum longirepens

Creeping intermediate growing epiphyte from Costa Rica
Epidendrum longirepens

Creeping intermediate growing epiphyte from Costa Rica

ISOPE Photos

Epidendrum matthewsii

Creeping intermediate growing epiphyte from Costa Rica
Epidendrum peperomia

Nice mini with great flowers. Syn. Epidendrum porpax

Epidendrum peperomia

Nice mini with great flowers. Syn. Epidendrum porpax

ISOPE Photos

Epidendrum peperomia 'Gold Country'

Nice mini with great flowers. Syn. Epidendrum porpax. I have it mounted on a cork slab.
Epidendrum sancti-ramoni

No Longer in collection

Mini intermediate growing epiphyte from Costa Rica
Epidendrum schlechterianum

A very interesting growth pattern to this Epidendrum.

Epidendrum stamfordianum var alba

Mini intermediate growing epiphyte from Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Venezuela.
Epigeneium nakaharaei

Seldom found mini epiphyte from Taiwan. Cool to warm grower in a bright location.
Eria globifera

A medium sized cool to warm growing epiphyte found in Mexico to Nicaragua and Costa Rica at altitudes of 900 to 2500 meters.
Erycina glossomystax

A hot growing mini epiphyte from Mexico, Guatemala, Columbia, Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia and Peru
Erycina glossomystax

A hot growing mini epiphyte from Mexico, Guatemala, Columbia, Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia and Peru

ISOPE Photos

Erycina glossomystax

A hot growing mini epiphyte from Mexico, Guatemala, Columbia, Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia and Peru. This is a second plant I was sent by mistake.

ISOPE Photos

Gastrochilus fuscopunctatus

Cool to Intermediate mini epiphyte from Taiwan. Very interesting foliage also. Flower picture courtesy of Lanchi Vo.
Gastrochilus japonicus

Cool to Intermediate mini epiphyte from Taiwan.
New World Orchids

Goodyera hispida

Very nice warm growing Goodyera. 2" pot
Goodyera pubescens

One of the jewel orchids that is actually hardy.Needs free draining mix and medium light. 2 inch pot.
Goodyera schlectendaliana

No Longer in collection

A small Jewel Orchid. Small growing ideal for the terrarium. A terrestrial species. Grows best in free draining substrate.2" pot
Hormidium pigmeae

Synonym Ecyclia pigmeae. A miniature sized hot growing epiphyte found throughout tropical America up to 1700 meters.
Isabelia virginalis

Small micro miniature cool to warm growing epiphyte from Brazil. This is a tiny fern with very small pseudo bulbs and grass like leaves.
J L Orchids
Isochilus linearis

Looks sort of like a fern with long arching fronds.

Jumellea comorensis

Small sized, cool to warm growing, epiphyte found on the island of Grand Comore at elevations of 500 meters.
Kraenzlinella sigmoidea

Synonym Pleurothallis sigmoidea. This is a small sized hot to cool growing epiphyte found from Costa Rica.
Lepanopsis Michelle 'Free Spirit'

A cross between Lepanthopsis floripectin x Lepanthes cochlearifolia.

Lepanthes calodictyon

Similar to tentaculata with smaller leaves.
Lepanthes cascajalensis

Miniature cool to warm growing epiphyte from Costa Rica. Leaves 2" with attractive flowers opening from the base of the leave on a re blooming inflorescence.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
C-W, SH, M
Lepanthes cloesii

No Longer in collection

Another great orchid for the vivarium or terrarium. Mounted
Lepanthes escobariana

A micro mini hot growing epiphyte from Colombia. Very unusual Telipogon type flower.
Lepanthes gargoyla

A very mini cool to warm growing epiphyte found in Ecuador.
Lepanthes mastodon

No Longer in collection

A mini cool to warm growing epiphyte from Colombia and Ecuador. Synonym L manabina
Lepanthes papyrophylla

A miniature cool growing epiphyte found in Ecuador in cloud forests at elevations of 150 to 2450 meters.
Lepanthes pubescens

A miniature cold to cool growing epiphyte found in Ecuador in cloud forests at elevations of 1600 to 2600 meters. The species looks similar in growth to manabina and grows very pendent.
Lepanthes quadricornis

A mini cool to warm growing epiphyte from Colombia.
Lepanthes rutrum

No Longer in collection

A mini cool to warm growing epiphyte from Colombia.
Lepanthes telipogoniflora

A micro mini hot growing epiphyte from Colombia. Very unusual Telipogon type flower.
Lepanthes tracheia

No Longer in collection

A mini cool to warm growing epiphyte from Colombia.
Lepanthes tsutobae

A micro mini hot growing epiphyte from Colombia. Very unusual Telipogon type flower.
Leptotes bicolor

Nice epiphytic miniature from Brazil and Paraguay.
New World Orchids
Leptotes bohnkiana

Although this was supposedly imported as bohnkianum It sure looks like L bicolor. I was pretty positive that's what it was until I say the flower picture on Andy's site and it also looks the same as this one. I guess I will leave it tagged until I am positive which I may never be. I should have looked at the flower picture instead of the name. Duh!
Leptotes unicolor

Nice epiphytic miniature with lavendar flowers. OB Summer Project Plant
Liparis bootanensis

I bought this tagged Liparis plicata but that is now considered a synonym. Found throughout SE Asia.
Liparis viridiflora

I bought this tagged Liparis plicata but that is now considered a synonym. Found throughout SE Asia.
Lockhartia 'Golden Speck'

This is a hybrid of Lockhartia oerstedii and Lockhartia acuta. Mine is mounted and is very easy to grow. I have abused it and ignored it and it flowers every spring and just keep growing.
Lockhartia lunifera

Great small orchid for the terrarium or vivarium.
Lockhartia micrantha

Medium sized warm to hot growing epiphyte found from Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia
Lockhartia parthenocomos

Great small orchid for the terrarium or vivarium.
Loddigesia quadrifida

Formerly Pleurothallis quadrifida. Only species in this genus.

Ludisia discolor

Called a Jewel Orchid. Blooms clusters of white flowers. Terrestrial orchid that does well in Terrariums or Vivariums.
Ludisia discolor var nigrescens

A nice variety if the common species but this one only has a strip down the middle and has darker foliage
Macodes lowii

No Longer in collection

Very rare in cultivation and seldom offered. Beautiful vienation on these plants. Small plants in 2 inch pots
Macodes petola

No Longer in collection

A great Jewel Orchid ideal for the terrarium. This is a terrestrial orchid and should be grown in very free draining substrate. 2" pots
Malaxis calaphylla

A small jewel orchid seldom offered for sale.
Malaxis elegans

A small jewel orchid seldom offered for sale. s
Masdevallia auropurpurea

A very small Masdevallia which is a intermediate grower.
Masdevallia barlaeana

No Longer in collection

Micro miniature cold growing lithophyte from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
Masdevallia caesia

No Longer in collection

A cold to cool growing large epiphyte. Found from Colombia. Unlike most Masdevallia this one has large pendent strap like leaves.
Masdevallia carmenesis

This is a cool to cold growing epiphyte which occurs only in Venezuela where it grows at elevations from 3600 to 6000 feet.
Masdevallia crassicaulis

A Miniature warm growing epiphyte from Ecuador.
Masdevallia erinacea

No Longer in collection

A cool to warm growing micro miniature. Found from Costa Rica to Ecuador
Andy's Orchids
Masdevallia erinacea

A cool to warm growing micro miniature. Found from Costa Rica to Ecuador

ISOPE Photos

Masdevallia glandulosa ('Nemo x 'Chris')

Cool to warm growing epiphyte from Peru and Ecuador
Masdevallia herradurae

Small mini cool top warm growing epiphyte from Colombia and Ecuador.
Masdevallia infracta

Cool to hot growing miniature epiphyte grows in Brazil, Peru and Bolivia at 1100 to 2000 meters. This is a white clone of this species.
Masdevallia ludibunda

Small cool to warm growing epiphyte from Columbia. Leaves 2-3" with attractive flowers held above the foliage.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
C-W, BR, M
Masdevallia minuta

Warm to hot growing miniature found in Venezuela, Surinam, Guyana, French Guiana, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.
Masdevallia minuta ‘Sharon Kay’ HCC/AOS

Warm to hot growing miniature found in Venezuela, Surinam, Guyana, French Guiana, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.

ISOPE Photos

Masdevallia nidifica

A cool to warm growing mini. Found from Costa Rica to Ecuador

Masdevallia nidifica

A cool to warm growing mini. Found from Costa Rica to Ecuador
Masdevallia niesseniae

Small sized cool growing epiphyte from Colombia at elevations around 1500 meters.
Masdevallia picea

Cool to cold growing miniature epiphyte grows in Ecuador and Peru at 2700 meters.
Masdevallia rolfeana

A intermediate growing mini. Found Costa Rica
Masdevallia schroederiana

A mini to small, cool to warm growing epiphyte found in Costa Rica
Masdevallia wagneriana

This is a cool to cold growing epiphyte which occurs only in Venezuela where it grows at elevations from 3600 to 6000 feet.
Masdevallia zahlbruckneri

A hot to warm growing mini. Found from Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia
Maxillaria cucullata

A cool to hot growing epiphyte found from Mexico south to Ecuador at elevations ranging from 700 to 3300 meters. It likes to stay damp and should not be allowed to dry out.
Maxillaria lankesteri

No Longer in collection

Maxillaria sophronitis

No Longer in collection

A dwarf cool to warm growing species that is found in Venezuela and NE Colombia
Maxillaria witsenoides

A hot to warm growing large to small sized epiphyte. Found in northwest South American countries.
Megaclinium falcatum Green Form

Synonym Bulbophyllum falcatum. Small hot to warm growing epiphyte found in West Africa at elevations up to 1300 meters
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Meiracyllium trinasutum

Miniature with creeping leaves and purple flowers
Meiracyllium trinasutum

Miniature with creeping leaves and purple flowers
Miltonia xbluntii

Natural hybrid between M. clowesii & spectabilis which I have mounted on a cork slab. Nice yellow color to the pseudobulbs in high light.
Muscarella species

May be herpestes. Grasslike foliage
Myoxanthus exasperatus

Found in Venezuela and Ecuador as a miniature sized, hot to cool growing epiphyte or lithophyte often in full sun at elevations of 300 to 2580 meters
Myoxanthus lonchophyllus

Small warm to cool growing epiphyte from Brazil at elevations of 1000 to 1500 meters.
Myoxanthus octomerioides

Not much info on this seldom seen species. I think it's most likely a cool growing species.
Myoxanthus octomerioides

Medium sized warm growing epiphyte from Mexico and Belize at elevations around 1700 meters.
Neolauchea puchella

Small mini cool to warm growing epiphyte from Brazil. This is a tiny fern with very small pseudo bulbs and grass like leaves.
Neostylis 'Lou Sneary' Bluebird

This is a hot growing mini hybrid.
Oberonia cavaleriei (aff myosurus)

This is a intermidiate growing small sized epiphyte from the Philippines.

ISOPE Photos

Oberonia croftiana

This is a hot growing small sized epiphyte from the Philippines.
Oberonia ensiformis

This is a hot growing small sized epiphyte from the Philippines.
Oberonia japonica

This is a cool to warm growing mini from the Philippines.

ISOPE Photos

Oberonia myriantha

This is a hot growing small sized epiphyte from the Philippines.
Oberonia prainiana

This is a hot growing mini from the Philippines.
Oberonia toppingii

This is a hot growing micro miniature from the Philippines. The flowers are clustered on the inflorescence and are very tiny.
Octomeria species

This could also be an Myoxanthus species but I'm not sure what the defining features are of each.
Oeceoclades maculata

A cool to hot growing medium sized terrestrial found throughout the tropical Americas.
Oncidium longipes

Miniature intermediate growing species from Brazil and Paraguay.
Oncidium onustum

Received as Zelenkoa onustum.
Ornithocephalus gladiatus

Coming Soon!

Mini orchid from the Windwards, Trinidad & Tobago, French Guiana, Surinam, Guyana, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia as a fan shaped, hot to cool growing twig growing epiphyte. Amazon - Bloomify
Louisiana Orchid Connection

Ornithocephalus manabina

Very nice mature plant mounted on a stick. Located near the bottom of the tent.

ISOPE Photos

Ornithocephalus suarezii

Very nice mature plant located near the bottom of the tent.

ISOPE Photos

Panmorphia rabei

Synonym Pleurothallis rabei. A miniature epiphyte warm to hot growing species found in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru at altitudes of 660 feet (200 m) to 8,200 feet (2,500 m).
Panmorphia sertularioides

Small mounted plant. Now considered Pleurothallis sertularioides.

Panmorphia sertularioides

Micro miniature from Jamaica, Cuba, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Synonym Pleurothallis sertularioides.
Papilionanthe pedunculata

A warm growing large to small sized epiphyte from Cambodia and Vietnam.
Phalaenopsis mannii

A mini that is a warm to hot growing species.
Phalaenopsis pallens

A mini that is a warm to hot growing species.
Phalaenopsis parishii

A mini that is a warm to hot growing species.
Pholidota chinensis

A lithophyte and epiphyte that is found in Vietnam, Burma, Hong Kong and southern long inflorescence of many small white flowers.
Platystele examen-culicum

Warm to cool growing miniature from Mexico to Panama.
Platystele microscopica 'Free Spirit'

Warm to cool growing miniature from Mexico to Panama.
Platystele misera

Small sized epiphyte from Peru
Platystele misera

Cold to warm growing small sized epiphyte from Colombia Ecuador and Peru.
Platystele ovatilabia

Cold to warm growing small sized epiphyte from Colombia Ecuador and Peru.
Platystele vellota

Warm to cool growing miniature from Mexico to Panama.
Pleurothallis alata

Pleurothallis which is ideal for the terrarium or vivarium. Micro miniature

Pleurothallis allenii

A minature cool to warm growing epiphyte found in Panama from 550 to 1000 meters

Pleurothallis allenii

A minature cool to warm growing epiphyte found in Panama from 550 to 1000 meters
Pleurothallis amparoana

Miniature warm growing epiphyte from Costa Rica and Panama. Very interesting flowers

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
W, SH, M
Pleurothallis angustipetala

A cold to warm growing small epiphyte found in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia at elevations of 500 to 3200 meters.
Pleurothallis avenacea

This species is from Ecuador. It makes a great specimen plant as it grows quickly, flowers freely and has long-lasting flowers. The 3/8" flowers are held up above the foliage
Pleurothallis barbulata

Pleurothallis which is ideal for the terrarium or vivarium. Micro miniature

Pleurothallis caligularis

A cool to warm growing miniature epiphyte. Found in Panama.
Pleurothallis casapensis

No Longer in collection

A nice small Pleurothallid with yellow flowers emrging from the base of the leaf.
Pleurothallis cf picta

This species is from Ecuador. It makes a great specimen plant as it grows quickly, flowers freely and has long-lasting flowers. The 3/8" flowers are held up above the foliage
Pleurothallis crocodiliceps

No Longer in collection

Medium sized hot to cool growing species. White flowers
Pleurothallis dodsonii

Stunning Pleurothallis with warty spots on the leaves. Small mounted plant
Pleurothallis glandulosa

Micro miniature hot growing epiphyte found in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama, French Guiana, Surinam, Guyana and Venezuela. Synonym P vittarifolia.
Pleurothallis hemirhoda

A larger growing Pleurothallid. Restrepia like flowers. Long leaf born on long stems. Mounted
Pleurothallis linearifolia

Miniature cool to warm epiphyte from Brazil. Many small white flowers on each inflorescence.
Pleurothallis loranthophylla

No Longer in collection

Small sized hot to cool growing epiphyte. Grows throughout Central America as well as northern South America.
Pleurothallis microphylla

No Longer in collection

A hot to warm growing mini. Found in many Central American countries. Mini miniature
Pleurothallis minutalis

A mini miniature mat forming cool growing epiphyte from Mexico and Guatemala. The flower is about 1/16"
Pleurothallis niveo-globula

This species is from Ecuador. It makes a great specimen plant as it grows quickly, flowers freely and has long-lasting flowers. The 3/8" flowers are held up above the foliage
Pleurothallis oblonga

Miniature cold growing epiphyte found in Ecuador at 2700 to 2800 meters
Legend (Temp, Light, Water) C, SH, M
Pleurothallis ornata

No Longer in collection

A cool growing mini epiphyte found in Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. Very ornate flowers. The smell is like mushrooms and it's said the fringe mimics fungus gnat maggots.
Pleurothallis ourobranquensis

A very small cool growing Pleurothallis with small succulent leaves from Brazil. Mini miniature
Pleurothallis picta

A very small Pleurothallis which is ideal for the terrarium or vivarium.
Pleurothallis pruinosa

No Longer in collection

Pleurothallis ruscifolia

A cool to hot growing medium sized epiphyte. Found throughout Central and South America as well as the Caribbean.
Pleurothallis ruscifolia

Publish by Robert Brown in 1813. A cool to warm growing medium sized epiphyte and lithophyte A cool to hot growing medium sized epiphyte found throughout Central and South America as well as the Caribbean fro 130 feet (40 meters) to 6550 feet (200 meters). This species has leaves up to 6-8" and flowers are up to 1/4" fully opened. The flowers emerge in clusters of many per leaf from the base of the leaf from a papery sheath in winter.

I have this plant mounted on cork and I keep it moist at all times. It gets about 500 foot candles of light and is 70F/55F in winter and 85F/60F in the summer. It could probably be kept a bit cooler in the winter and may need more shade in the summer.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
C-W, SH, M

Pleurothallis sarracenia

A very mini cool to warm growing epiphyte. Like bright light and likes to dry between waterings.
Pleurothallis schiedei

No Longer in collection

Synonym for ornata.
Pleurothallis sonderana

A miniature epiphyte found in Brazil.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
C-W, SH, M
Pleurothallis sp Colombia

A miniature with tiny pink flowers. No idea on the species name. This is possibly Acronia volcanica but the Colombia designation would not be correct since that Acronia is from Panama and Costa Rica.
Pleurothallis species

A cool to warm growing medium sized epiphyte. Found in Ecuador.
Pleurothallis species

May be herpestes. Grasslike foliage
Pleurothallis species 1

Unknown Pleuro species. 3" leaves on 3" petioles. No flowers seen.
Pleurothallis species 2

Unknown Pleuro species. This is a true mini. Flowers not seen.
Pleurothallis species 3

Unknown Pleuro species. 1" leaves on 3" petioles. No flowers seen.
Pleurothallis species noid

Unknown Pleuro species. 1" leaves. Flowers look a lot like grobyi. Most likely a Specklinia species very much like Specklinia costaricensis
Pleurothallis tribuloides

Also known as the lobster claw orchid. Very nice mini intermediate growing min from Central America.
Pleurothallis trichostoma

No Longer in collection

I can't find much on this mini but I like the flower pictures I have seen. May be a cool grower.
Pleurothallis tripterantha

A miniature epiphyte found in Brazil.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
C-W, SH, M
Pleurothallis tripterantha

A cool to warm growing miniature epiphyte found in Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, and Argentina in wet montane forests at elevations of 900 to 2700 meters.
Pleurothallis truncata

Medium sized cool to warm growing epiphyte from Ecuador.
Pleurothallis tuerckheimii

A cool to hot growing medium sized epiphyte. Found from Mexico to Panama.
Pleurothallis velaticaulis

A hot to warm growing small sized epiphyte. Found in many Central an South American countries.
Pleurothallis velaticaulis

No Longer in collection

A hot to warm growing small sized epiphyte. Found in many Central an South American countries.
Porroglossum dalstroemii

Cool to warm growing epiphyte from Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador at 1600 to 3000 meters .
Porroglossum muscosum

Cool to warm growing epiphyte from Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador at 1600 to 3000 meters . This is a yellow clone.
Porroglossum muscosum

Cool to warm growing epiphyte from Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador at 1600 to 3000 meters .
Porroglossum nutibara

Cool to warm growing epiphyte from Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador at 1600 to 3000 meters .
Porroglossum peruvianum

This cool growing miniature species is found only in northern Peru at elevations between 5000 and 6500 ft
Porroglossum sergioi

Cool to cold growing mini epiphyte from Colombia
Psychopsiella limminghei

This is the third try with this plant. The one I have is a seedling so we shall see how it does.
Ebay Listing
Psygmorchis pusilla

A hot growing mini epiphyte from Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela, Surinam, Guyana and French Guyanan
J L Orchids
Psygmorchis pusilla

A hot growing mini epiphyte from Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Trinidad, Venezuela, Surinam, Guyana and French Guyanan
Reichantha striatella

A mini sized cool to warm growing epiphyte found in Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Venezuela. Synonym Masdevallia striatella.
Restrepia antennifera

A warmer growing Pleurothallid. Ideal for most Terrariums. Temperatures should be between 60 and 85.
Restrepia brachypus

A warmer growing Pleurothallid. Ideal for most Terrariums. Temperatures should be between 60 and 85.
Restrepia contorta

No Longer in collection

A warmer growing Pleurothallid. Ideal for most Terrariums. Temperatures should be between 60 and 85.
Restrepia cuprea

No Longer in collection

A warmer growing Pleurothallid. Ideal for most Terrariums. Temperatures should be between 60 and 85.
Restrepia elegans

No Longer in collection

Great for the vivarium or terrerium. Small growth and very delicate typical Restrepia flowers.
Restrepia guttulata

No Longer in collection

A warmer growing Pleurothallid. Ideal for most Terrariums. Temperatures should be between 60 and 85.
Restrepia mohrii

Miniature warm growing epiphyte from Ecuador and northern Peru at 1400 to 1750 meters.
Restrepia sanguinea

No Longer in collection

This is a cool growing species. Named for the blood red color of the flower.
Restrepia schlimii

Miniature epiphyte from Venzuela and Colombia.
Restrepia species

Lost the tag on this one but the flower looks allot like trichoglossa.
Restrepia species

Came from Hoozier Orchids originally. HOC336. In bud now so a flower picture to come shortly. I think this is most likely brachypus.
Restrepia species

Came from Hoozier Orchids originally. HOC309.
Restrepia species

Came from Hoozier Orchids originally. No Hoozier number was given. It is in flower but it's not totally open. I believe it's Restrepia ephippium but it could also be guttulata
Restrepia species

I have no idea where I got this plant. It's a small plant mounted to treefern but has never flowered.
Restrepia striata

No Longer in collection

The flower picture is from a plant I no longer have. Evidently this is a synonym of R brachypus but I will keep them seperate for now.
Restrepia teaguei

A mini epiphyte from Ecuador
Restrepia trichoglossa

This plant bloomed and it looks very similar to R antennifera.
Restrepia xanthophthalma

No Longer in collection

This is a synonym for R muscifera but I will keep them separate for now.
Restrepiella ophiocephala

A medium sized cool to warm growing epiphyte found in Central America from Mexico into Costa Rica at 1,970 feet (600 m) to 3,600 feet (1,100 m).
Rhytionanthos cornutum

Synonym Bulbophyllum helenae. Small cool to warm epiphyte found in the western Himalayas, Nepal, Sikkim, Myanamar and Thailand
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Rubellia rubella

Only member of this genus. This is a very mini warm growing epiphyte from Columbia and Panama. Mini miniature. Synonym Pleurothallis rubella
Sarcinula brighamii

A very nice terrarium suitable orchid that can take warmer temperatures than many Pleurothallids. Leaves are 3" max. Syn. Pleurothallis brighamii.
Sarcinula corniculata

A very nice terrarium suitable orchid that can take warmer temperatures than many Pleurothallids. Leaves are 3" max. Syn. Pleurothallis corniculata.
Scaphosepalum anchoriferum

Warm to cool growing small sized epiphyte found in Costa Rica and Panama from 1100-2000 meters.
Scaphosepalum decorum

Minature orchid. Warm to intermediate
Scaphosepalum fimbriatum

A mini to small epiphyte found in Ecuador. The flower on this one looks like a crab to me. I love this genus!
Scaphosepalum manningii

Miniature orchid. Warm to intermediate
Scaphosepalum ovulare

Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
Scaphosepalum rapax

Minature orchid. Warm to intermediate

Scaphosepalum rapax

Miniature orchid. Warm to intermediate
Scaphosepalum species

Unknown medium sized species originally from Hoozier Orchids.
Scaphosepalum swertiifolium

A mini to small epiphyte found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Scaphosepalum swertiifolium var roseum

A mini to small epiphyte found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Scaphosepalum verrucosum

A mini to small, cold to warm growing epiphyte found from Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela and Guyana
Schoenorchis fragans

Tiny cool to warm growing epiphyte from India,China, Myanamar and Thailand
Schoenorchis scolopendria

Tiny cool to warm growing epiphyte from India,China, Myanamar and Thailand
Gardino Nursery
Schoenorchis seidenfadenii

Tiny cool to warm growing epiphyte from India,China, Myanamar and Thailand
New World Orchids
Sievekingia suavis

No Longer in collection

Miniature warm to hot growing epiphyte
Sigmatostalix graminea

No Longer in collection

A mini cool to hot growing epiphyte from Ecuador Peru and Bolivia. Many flowers per inflorescence.
Sigmatostalix marinii

No Longer in collection

A hot to warm growing mini epiphyte from Ecuador.
Sigmatostalix marinii

No Longer in collection

A hot to warm growing mini epiphyte found in Ecuador.
Sigmatostalix radicans

A mini intermediate species from Brazil. Many flowers per inflorescence.
Specklinia grobyi

Ideal mini miniature for the terrarium or vivarium. Flowers often. Synonym Pleurothallis grobyi
Specklinia grobyi

Ideal mini for the terrarium or vivarium. Flowers often. Synonym Pleurothallis grobyi

Specklinia leptotifolia

A warm to cool growing mini epiphyte. Found in many Brazil. Synonym Pleurothallis leptotifolia. Likes to creep so it's best mounted on tree fern. Mini miniature
Stanhopea jenischiana

Found in Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. This is a cool to warm growing epiphyte which needs a winter rest to flower
Stelis alata

Temperatures should be between 60 and 85.
Stelis aprica

I got this tagged as Stelis micrantha which appears to be a synonym of this species. Cool to warm growing miniature epiphyte found in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil.
Stelis argentata

A warmer growing Pleurothallid. Ideal for most Terrariums. Temperatures should be between 60 and 85.

Stelis argentata

A miniature sized, hot to cool growing epiphyte in Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam and Brazil found from 120 to 2200 meters.
Stelis dactyloptera

Miniature cool to warm growing epiphyte from Ecuador at elevations of 1500 to 2000 meters. Unusual pendent flower for this genus.
Stelis debilis

No Longer in collection

PL00631 No country known. Very mini plant.
Stelis embreei

Found in Ecuador at elevations of 950 to 1300 meters as a mini-miniature sized, warm growing epiphyte
Stelis glomerosa

Cool to warm growing mini epiphyte from Ecuador.
Stelis hallii

A small sized cool to cold growing epiphyte found in Colombia,Ecuador and Peru. Small yellow flowers on a long inflorescence.
Stelis hirtella

Cool to cold growing mini Ecuador and Peru.
Stelis hirtzii

No Longer in collection

Cool growing species from Ecuador.
Stelis lentiginosa

Temperatures should be between 60 and 85.

Stelis morganii

The flowers on this species are tiny. Maybe 3 mm.

Stelis morganii

No Longer in collection

This is a nice full plant as I received it from Tropical Orchid Farm as a bonus plant. What a bonus!.
Stelis purpurascens

A small to medium sized, warm growing epiphyte found in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama Venezuela and Peru at elevations of 1000 to 1500 meters .
Stelis species

A warmer growing Pleurothallid. Ideal for most Terrariums. Temperatures should be between 60 and 85.
Stelis species

PL00631 No country known. Very mini plant.
Stelis species Pink

Temperatures should be between 60 and 85.
Stelis tridentata

Temperatures should be between 60 and 85.
Stelis tristyla

I got this tagged as Stelis trystila that does not seem to be a valid name.
Sunipia bicolor

Synonym Bulbophyllum bicolor.
Taeniophytum obtusum

Small leafless warm growing orchid from China, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Borneo, Java, Sumatra and Vietnam in swampy primary montane forests on mangrove and coffee plants.

ISOPE Photos

Trias picta

This is a cool to warm growing species from Burma and Thailand. Closely related to Bulbophyllum. Very nice pink red flowers.
Trichocentrum sprucei

Synonym Oncidium sprucei. Small hot growing epiphyte found in Panama and Colombia at 20 to 100 meters. Very long pendent terete leaves make this a very attractive species.
Trichocentrum stacyi

Synonym Oncidium stacyi . Small hot growing epiphyte found in Panama and Colombia at 20 to 100 meters. Very long pendent terete leaves make this a very attractive species.
Trichocentrum stipitatum

Synonym Oncidium stipitatum. Small hot growing epiphyte found in Panama and Colombia at 20 to 100 meters. Very long pendent terete leaves make this a very attractive species.
Trichocentrum stipitatum

Synonym Oncidium stipitatum. Small hot growing epiphyte found in Panama and Colombia at 20 to 100 meters. Very long pendent terete leaves make this a very attractive species.
Trichosalpinx blaisdellii

This miniature epiphyte is found in Mexico, Central America and northwestern South America. It is found from elevations of 660 to 8250 feet. It will bloom off and on for much of the year.
Trichosalpinx chamaelepanthes 'Pink'

No Longer in collection

Not doing really well. Maybe I can save it.
Trichosalpinx chamaelepanthes 'Yellow'

No Longer in collection

Not doing really well. Maybe I can save it.
Trichosalpinx costata

A very mini miniature cool to warm growing epiphyte from most of Central and South America.
Trichosalpinx dura

A very mini cool to warm growing epiphyte from most of Central and South America.
Trichosalpinx notosibirica

A very mini miniature cool to warm growing epiphyte from most of Central and South America.
Trichosalpinx orbicularis

I bought a very nice plant. I love the leaves on this plant that blush a dark red. Flowers are small but very pretty.
Trichosalpinx species

Pretty sure this is a Trichosalpinx. I have no idea which but it's a nice plant . Pictures are courtesy of Jon Wagner
Trisetella cordeliae

A mini cool to cold growing epiphyte from Ecuador
Trisetella hoeijeri

A mini cool to cold growing epiphyte from Ecuador
Vanilla planifolia

No Longer in collection

Perfect for the terrarium. A vining orchid. Seldom blooms but a very nice addition to your collection
Zootrophion dayanum

Small sized warm to cool growing epiphyte from Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador at about 1900 meters.
Zootrophion gracilentum

Found from Niacaragua, Cost Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador.
Zootrophion species

I bought this from Clackamas Orchids. It has '(Hardins)' on the tag but I don't know any more about it. It is a miniature with leaves about 3/4". It has not flowered as yet.
Zootrophion species

I bought this from Clackamas Orchids and they said 'This as yet unidentified Zootrophion is either dayanum or argus'. It has '(Logdons)' on the tag but I don't know any more about it. It has not flowered as yet.