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Pleurothallis ruscifolia

Pleurothallis ruscifolia

Publish by Robert Brown in 1813. A cool to warm growing medium sized epiphyte and lithophyte A cool to hot growing medium sized epiphyte found throughout Central and South America as well as the Caribbean fro 130 feet (40 meters) to 6550 feet (200 meters). This species has leaves up to 6-8" and flowers are up to 1/4" fully opened. The flowers emerge in clusters of many per leaf from the base of the leaf from a papery sheath in winter.

I have this plant mounted on cork and I keep it moist at all times. It gets about 500 foot candles of light and is 70F/55F in winter and 85F/60F in the summer. It could probably be kept a bit cooler in the winter and may need more shade in the summer.
Legend (Temp, Light, Water)
C-W, SH, M
