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Who we are!
Cloud Jungle ePiphytes is changing. Over the last several years I have operated a small online business for hard to find plants of all kinds. The rigors of packing and shipping coupled with the fact I was most likely losing money has forced me to no longer sell plants as I have in the past.
This site is now devoted to my plant collection and my interest in general. I will have a few plants for sale from time to time but nothing like I did have.street kings download
I do like to trade and I will be providing a place for us to set trades up. Take a look at my pictures since I have pictures of any plants that are hard to find images of or you may not have known they existed.
In my Plant Collection section you will see a listing by plant family of the plants I have or have had in my collection. So, if you may be after a certain plant you will be able to search my collection for a particular plant.
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Jewel Orchid Care - Monday, March 19, 2007
Watering : I have mentioned a few times that the winter dry down is fundamental to growing jewel orchids. I think that drying them to point where the leaves feel a bit softer before watering them might be a key point. A friend mentioned few people can flower them and the winter dry spell is the key to flowering, if your jewel orchid is in flower, do respect this rule; they become even more sensitive to root rot when in flower. The Ludusia d. abla turns orangy in the dry down, other Ludusias have leaf loss of the older leaves. Dossinia, the thick leaf Macodes and Ano. take a long time to actually get soft leaves but do lose there iridescent shine in a week to 1.5 weeks, that might be a good point to water them. Macodes petola, the veins become ridges as it drys down. An example of how dry these plants can get is I have a Ludisia "Black" , the main shoot rotted off so I set it aside to dump it out but after 1.5 months of sitting around it sent up a shoot; and its now among the living again. Soil additive: Horticultural lime can be added to the jewel orchid soil mix, most grow in lime rich soils anyway. A soil Ph of 6.5 to 7 is best, a light dusting is all that is needed as a top dressing; it will burn the leaves if it gets on them. There are a number of products out recently which are based on the idea that more microbes the better in your soil mix as the "good guys" would then push out the pathogens or disease causing microbes; I have seen this work in a number of cases in Greenhouses esp. in reducing fungi infections. I have experimented with 3 products "Plant success", a mix of "good" fungi, "Actinovate", a mix of fungi and microbes- I think, and "Sub-culture", microbes totally. I thought the fungi products would be a the best for a number of reasons but "Actinovate" was the best. Another product "Plant shield" and "root shield" are two products made of a man made fungi and sa  
Taking Care of you cuttings when they arrive

Get the inofrmation you need to successfuly root and care for your cuttings when they arrive.


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