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Myrmecodia species with pink fruit

Myrmecodia species with pink fruit

This is a Myrmecodia that is being grown worldwide but no one knows what species it is so it is in the trade as “Myrmecodia species with pink fruit”. The fruits can actually be a little on the red side of pink, but the color is always strikingly different than that of other Myrmecodias which usually have orangish fruits. (Recently some people have championed the opinion that this plant is actually Myrmecodia tuberosa ‘papuana’ from Australia. I am not convinced yet but agree that this is a possibility) Another reason it is sought after is that it is probably the spiniest Myrmecodia in cultivation. Well grown plants will even have some stellate spines on the stems. The plants can get fairly large and they tend to grow somewhat sideways in the pot. Aquired 3/12/2016