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Myrmecodia tuberosa 'dahlii'

Myrmecodia tuberosa 'dahlii'

This is NOT one of the usual forms of M. tuberosa. This one has wavy margins on the leaves as they get older and comes from the eastern part of Myrmecodia’s home range. These plants are now referred to as Myrmecodia tuberosa ‘dahlii' if they come from the island of New Britain as this one does. (Nearby islands have similar species like Myrmecodia tuberosa 'salomonensis' from the Solomon Islands.) The really interesting thing about these plants is that they make some thick, rubbery roots that anchor the plant to the tree trunk and branches - often with the plant hanging pendulously by these roots in nature. Sometimes in habitat the roots are 12 to 18 inches long! I have mounted some of these plants hanging by their roots and it makes for a very interesting presentation. The thick rubbery roots form when the plant is about the size that would require it to be growing in a 4 inch pot. Acquired 3/12/2016