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Hydnophytum puffii

Hydnophytum puffii

Purchased from Charles Alford, originally obtained by him from Frank Omilian. Here's what he says about it on his site
Biopower PLants - Hydnophytums
"This plant sometimes goes by the unpublished name of Hydnophytum perangustum. Unusual leaves. Good to grow if you are short on growing space because it stays compact and the caudex stays small. It grows as an epiphyte on swamp trees on Borneo. My material can be traced back to accession # 95007 at the Leiden Botanical Garden in the Netherlands. According to a note published on Facebook in January 2016 by D. Rowe “It was collected by Art Vogel then curator at the Leiden Botanical Garden, Netherlands, from a heath forest near Nabawan in December 1995. Nabawan is a small town in central Sabah south of Kota Kinabalu on Borneo Island.” Photographed here is a 14 year old seed grown plant in a 4 inch pot."
Formerly know as Hydnophytum 'Needle Leaf'